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Our Services


All clients will complete a comprehensive evaluation to determine their strengths and needs within the area(s) of concern. This information will then be used to develop individualized goals and treatment plans. 

For information about speech and language disorders, see below.


Kid Playing with Wooden Toys
Nursery Play


Using creative, motivating and fun activities, our skilled clinicians provide one on one therapy that targets your child’s speech and language goals. Home activities will be provided as parental involvement is a key factor to successful therapy.



Therapy is a collaborative process. Including other individuals within your child’s circle of care helps support your child’s learning outside of the therapy environment. This may include the following: daycare or preschool services, additional family members or caregivers and/or other service professionals.


Family Board Game
Playing with Rings


We offer workshops geared towards educating caregivers about speech and language milestones as well as providing strategies to promote language development.
Parent training sessions are also available.


Unfortunately, SLP services are not covered by OHIP. This may be covered by extended employee benefits, should you have them.

  • Early Communication Delays
    Early communicators may not be achieving their speech and language milestones. This may include difficulties using non-verbal communication such as gestures and pragmatics, or verbal communication such as understanding vocabulary and instructions or using words.
  • Language Delays
    Receptive Language is your child’s ability to understand the meaning of what others’ say. This includes difficulties understanding spoken or written words, concepts and sentences. Children need to understand language prior to being able to use language. Expressive Language is your child’s ability to generate ideas and put these into words and sentences that are informative and grammatically accurate.
  • Speech Sound Disorders
    Speech sound disorders include articulation and motor speech difficulties. Your child may have trouble producing certain sounds or speaking clearly. They may also have difficulties sequencing the movements needed to produce speech. This may include Apraxia of speech.
  • Early Literacy
    Early Literacy, also known as Phonological Awareness, is your child’s ability to recognize and work with letters/sounds. These are the foundational skills needed to learn to read.
  • Stuttering
    Stuttering, also known as dysfluency, is an interruption in the flow of your child’s speech. Your child may repeat certain syllables, words or phrases, prolong them and/or get stuck while speaking.
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