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5 Quick Tips to Promote Toddler Communication

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

Parents and caregivers can help enhance their child’s communication and language skills. Learning to talk first requires a child to regularly listen to others speak. Therefore, providing good speech models throughout the day plays a critical role in learning to talk.

The following are some tips to help encourage your child’s language development:

1. Play!!! Playtime is one of the best times to encourage communication.

  • Allow your child to pick the toy he wants and play with it in a way that is meaningful to him.

  • Be at the same physical level. Get down and play face-to-face. Letting your child see your face allows him to make eye contact, see your mouth and facial expressions. It also puts you in a position to see what he is focused on.

2. Use simple language.

  • Use single words or simple 2 to 3 word sentences (depending on your child's level of language).

  • Go slow and emphasize key words.

3. WAIT! Allow your child an opportunity to start communicating.

4. Respond to your child’s communication (gestures and vocalizations).

  • Show him that you are interested in what he is doing and saying.

  • Label the specific object or action

  • Imitate your child’s response or action

  • Interpret what your child is communicating to you

  • Expand by adding words to provide more information about the situation (e.g., Child: “car”; Parent: “Red car. The car is going fast.”

5. Take turns. Allow the interaction to continue by responding through a look, making a sound, gesture or using words.

  • Avoid yes/no questions as these often stop the conversation.

  • After your comment, WAIT for your child to take their turn.

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